Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What Type Of Ceiling Tiles Contain Asbestos

In the late 19th and 20th centuries, asbestos was used in a variety of building materials, ranging from paints to cement to insulation to floor and ceiling tiles. It is important to recognize ceiling tiles that contain asbestos in order to minimize exposure to airborne asbestos particles, which can cause lung disease and cancer.

Brand Names

Brand names associated with asbestos-containing ceiling tiles and ceiling sprays include Acoustone, Deco-Tex and K-Spray Ceiling Texture.

Visual Appearance

In many cases, there are no visual cues that can identify asbestos tiles. Ceiling tiles are often unmarked, lacking any manufacturer's logo. However, damaged tiles may have a fluffy or fibrous appearance.


Asbestos has fallen out of favor, so new buildings generally do not contain asbestos tiles. However, if the ceiling was installed between the 1940s and the early 1980s, it is possible that asbestos is present in the ceiling tiles.

Types of Ceilings

Types of ceilings that may contain asbestos tiles or other asbestos-laden materials include suspended/drop ceilings as well as acoustic ceilings.

Types of Asbestos

There are many types of asbestos, but only two types were widely used in making asbestos ceilings: amosite and chrysotile.

Tags: asbestos tiles, contain asbestos, ceiling tiles, ceiling tiles, contain asbestos tiles, that contain