Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Remove Spider Webs From A Popcorn Ceiling

Popcorn ceilings present many cleaning challenges to homeowners and renters. The textured surface has nooks and crannies that can accumulate dust and dirt, and some popcorn ceilings are made of fragile materials that can dislodge with cleaning. Although spider webs are sticky and won't simply wipe away, spider web removal is actually one of the least difficult popcorn ceiling cleaning challenges. You simply need to make certain that the webbing doesn't touch any areas of the ceiling during cleaning other than those areas where it's already attached.


1. Plug in your shop vac or household vacuum.

2. Place a brush attachment on the end of the extension wand or the vacuum hose nozzle.

3. Hold the brush up to 1 1/2 to 2 inches from your popcorn ceiling.

4. Turn on the vacuum and suction the spider webs away moving from one side of the ceiling to the other. If your ceiling is made of materials that won't dislodge easily with suction, bring the brush closer to the ceiling to suction or gently brush the surface.

Tags: cleaning challenges, materials that, materials that dislodge, popcorn ceiling, spider webs, that dislodge