Suspended ceilings are most common in residential basements or commercial buildings. Suspended ceiling is made up of metal joists and panels that rest on these metal joists. One benefit of installing a suspended ceiling, is the ease of panel removal to replace them in case of damage, such as water damage, or to access pipes.
1. Lift the damaged ceiling tile gently off of the metal grid. Slide it back, and tilt it slightly so that it fits out the space of the grid it was resting in.
2. Measure the space where the new ceiling panel will go. If necessary, trim the new ceiling panel with a utility knife to fit the space. Use a level to make sure your cut is straight.
3. Tilt the new ceiling panel at a slight angle and fit it through the space in the grid. Straighten it out and slowly lower it onto the metal joists.
Tags: ceiling panel, metal joists, space grid