Friday, January 30, 2009

Make Ceiling Fan Pulls

Handmade beaded ceiling fan pull

Ceiling fan pulls can be created from many different types of materials including beads, small toys, tassels, ceramic balls and decorative hardware. They all start with ceiling fan chain extensions that range from 6 to 12 inches and sometimes longer, depending on the height of the ceiling. Simple or detailed, these pulls are useful and functional.


1. Purchase chain pull extensions in the length you need at a hardware or craft shop. These usually come in gold or silver (see Resources below).

2. Choose beads for this project based on theme, color and materials. Lay them side by side to measure up to 5 inches. If you incorporate children's charms or beads, mix and match colors and place the largest of the beads at the beginning to act as an anchor.

3. Fold the heavy gauge wire in half and slip one bead onto the bent end.

4. Use pliers to bend the two wires extending from either side of the bead together so they come together just above the first bead. Slip the remaining beads through the two wires together into the design desired. When finished, take the pliers and slip the exposed heavy gauge wires through the loop of the chain pull extension and wrap them around tightly to secure.

5. Create a smooth finish by cutting the tips off any wires that need to be removed.

6. Hook the latch end of the extension onto the bottom of the existing chain pull on the ceiling fan. It should snap into place to secure both chains.

Tags: chain pull, heavy gauge