Stenciled designs on the ceiling can be an ornate decoration.
Stenciling interior surfaces can be an ideal way to add special decorative touches to rooms. Because paint is relatively inexpensive, creating stenciled designs with paint can enable you to decorate and embellish without spending much money. You might even paint stencils on ceilings to add unusual embellishments that will draw the eye upward. Choose your colors and stencil design and get ready to create a masterpiece.
1. Stand on a stepladder so that you can reach the ceiling comfortably. Hold the stencil template where you wish to apply stencils and mark small lines on the ceiling with the pencil to indicate the placement of the stencil. Move the template along the ceiling to plan the entire stenciling placement, ensuring that the design you wish to create will fit on the ceiling space. As you move the template along the ceiling, make more marks for stencil placement to indicate where you must move the template as you work.
2. Place the stencil in place on the ceiling where you wish to begin stenciling. Tape the stencil in place with the painter's tape.
3. Add dollops of acrylic paint to the paint palette, placing each color you wish to use onto the palette.
4. Dip the stenciling brush into a dollop of paint and pounce the brush lightly onto the paper towel to remove excess paint from the bristles. To achieve the best stenciling effect, the bristles need only a small amount of paint.
5. Pounce the stenciling brush onto the stenciling template to apply paint to the ceiling. Use an up and down motion with the brush to transfer a light layer of paint to the ceiling through the stencil spaces. Strive for a very thin layer of paint--so thin that it dries quickly after you apply it. Continue applying paint onto the ceiling through the stencil until you complete the entire stencil design, changing colors as necessary.
6. Remove the painter's tape and move the template along the ceiling to continue applying the stencil design. Work carefully to apply paint through the template until you finish stenciling the ceiling in the desired design.