Suspended ceiling tiles or drop ceiling panels are inserted into the ceiling grid to complete a suspended ceiling installation. While setting drop ceiling panels, you will need to cut some panels to fit along the wall, cut holes for mounting recessed lights, and notch tiles to fit around columns. Each cut you make into a drop ceiling panel needs to be done with care. The suspended ceiling tiles are fragile and easily broken. Using proper cutting tools and techniques will result in less broken drop ceiling panels.
1. Measure the distance between the main tee that runs closest to the wall and the wall-mounted L angle. Deduct 1/4 inch from the dimension. Place a full drop ceiling panel face up on a flat hard surface. With a pencil, mark the length on both ends of the tile. Align the steel rule on both marks. Hold the steel rule in place with one hand. With steady pressure, pull the utility knife along the steel rule to score the tile. Continue making passes with the utility knife until you have cut completely through the ceiling tile.
2. Rub your hand lightly along the cut edge to remove loose tile particles. Carefully insert the border tile into the suspended ceiling. Set the cut drop ceiling panel into the suspended ceiling.
3. Mark the ceiling panel that requires a hole on center. With the ceiling panel facing up and on a firm flat surface, place the steel rule across two opposing corners of the tile. Place a pencil mark along the straight edge, near the center of the tile. Move the steel rule to the other two opposing corners and place another mark along the steel rule that crosses the first pencil mark. Where the marks cross is the center of the tile.
4. Set the radius of the required circle on the pencil dividers. Place the steel point of the dividers on the panel center mark. Swing the pencil end of the divider to mark the circle. Stand the panel on one edge with the circle facing toward you. Insert the keyhole saw into ceiling panel, at the pencil line. Slowly work the keyhole saw around the mark. Remove loose particles from the cut area. Set the drop ceiling panel into the ceiling.
5. Place the tile to be notched face up on a well-supported surface. Mark the location for the notch on the face of the tile. Stand the tile vertically on one edge, with the notched edge facing up. Cut the two vertical lines with the keyhole saw. Start the cut from the top edge of the drop ceiling panel. Work the keyhole saw down to the line running parallel with the skyward facing edge. Gently insert the keyhole saw into the ceiling panel along the horizontal line. Support the section of tile between the two vertical cuts with one hand. Slowly cut along the line. Clear the loose particles from the drop ceiling tile after the cut is complete.
Tags: ceiling panel, drop ceiling,