If you run a small business or work as a freelancer, you will need to provide receipt of payment to your customers. A receipt of payment records what services or good you have provided, how much was paid and what form that payment was in. The receipt is important for the records of both the seller and customer. For this reason, you will need to use a carbonless receipt book to create 2 copies of each receipt. The receipt should have room for an itemized list of items or services.
1. Fill in your company name, address and telephone number--or your name, address and telephone number if you do not have a company name--at the top of the form. Also, fill in the date of the transaction.
2. Create an itemized list of goods and services being sold. Include the name of each item, the unit price, the number purchased and total for that line. This list makes it clear to your customer exactly what is being paid for.
3. Total the cost of all goods and services at the bottom and put it in the sub-total box. Include tax in the box below, and then add the 2 for the final total. Circle or highlight the final total.
4. Record the method of payment, such as cash or check. Sign the receipt. This is necessary to make it an official receipt because it was produced by hand. Keep the top copy for your records and give the other to your customer for his records.