Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Clean Acoustical Ceiling Tile

Acoustical ceiling tiles, also known as drop ceilings, require special care when cleaning due to their porous nature. Water will cause them to fall apart. Often used in basements and offices, they collect dust over time. Acoustical tiles are prized because they are inexpensive and easy to move aside if work needs to be done inside the ceiling, often the case in basements where the ductwork and pipes are above them. Regular maintenance is the key to cleaning acoustical ceiling tiles.


The Steps

1. Cover furniture with a drop cloth so dust and debris from the tiles doesn't land on it. Acoustical tiles may 'shed' some during cleaning. Wear goggles while cleaning.

2. Vacuum in the corners to remove spider webs. Avoid running the vacuum attachment directly on the tiles, as it may damage them.

3. Dust over the surface of the entire surface of each tile with a microfiber dusting cloth. Run the cloth over the tiles lightly so that you do not push or rub the dirt into the porous tiles.

4. Purchase a dry sponge from a janitorial supply store if the tiles are stained and dusting doesn't remove the stains. Dry sponges are made of rubber and do not require water to clean.

5. Rub the dry sponge gently over the stains. The sponge will erase the stain after a few rubs.

Tags: Acoustical tiles, ceiling tiles