Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Remove Floor To Ceiling Mirrors

Floor-to-ceiling mirrors are an attractive decor feature that opens up a room. However, if you decide to remove the large wall mirrors, you may regret ever installing them. Because most mirrors of this size are installed with construction grade adhesive, they are difficult to remove in one piece. When attempting to remove them, always do so carefully and wear the proper safety gear to protect yourself from cuts.


1. Lay a thick tarp on the floor under the mirror to catch glass shards. Use the thickest plastic you can find to prevent shards from slicing through it.

2. Put on safety goggles, long sleeves, pants, work boots and work gloves before starting the removal.

3. Grasp one end of a windshield removal tool, which is also called a piano wire, in either of your hands. Stretch the wire out as tightly as possible.

4. Place a step stool next to the edge of the mirror and work the wire behind the mirror by using a side-to-side sawing motion, which cuts through the adhesive behind the mirror. Cut through as much of the adhesive as possible. If the mirrors are 3-feet wide or less, you can remove them entirely this way.

5. Tap the mirror firmly with a hammer, which breaks it and causes most of it to fall to the floor.

6. Find any pieces of mirror still on the wall and carefully use the wire to cut them off.

7. Pick up the largest pieces of the mirror from the floor and carry them to a trash can for disposal. Then wrap up the tarp by folding the edges inward and carry it outside to the trash as well.

8. Remove any remaining construction adhesive by saturating a rag in paint thinner, lacquer remover, acetone or rubber cement solvent. Wipe the adhesive until it is wet and scrape it off with a putty knife.

Tags: behind mirror, pieces mirror, remove them