Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Install A Children'S Colored Ceiling Fan

A ceiling fan is a great way to add air movement to a small room.

Removing the light fixture from a ceiling and installing a colored ceiling fan in your child's room will aid in airflow and add a touch of color. When selecting a colored ceiling fan, make sure you pick a color that matches the decor in the room and one with an appropriate-sized wingspan for the size of the room. This will ensure you are happy with the final installation.


1. Locate the breaker for the room's electrical circuit and then turn the breaker off. Test the existing light by turning on the light switch. The light should not come on. Turn off the light switch before moving on.

2. Remove the bulb cover from the existing light and then remove the lightbulb.

3. Locate the screws that secure the light fixture to the junction box inside the ceiling. Remove the screws and lower the fixture away from the ceiling.

4. Remove the wire nuts that secure the wiring for the light to the wiring extending out of the junction box and then pull the wires apart. When finished, you will have a black wire, white wire and green wire extending from the junction box.

5. Secure the blades of the ceiling fan to the blade supports with the supplied hardware and a screwdriver. Slide the junction box cover onto the metal shaft extending from the fan's motor. The junction box cover is supplied with the ceiling fan and it hides the mounting bracket and wiring.

6. Secure the mounting bracket supplied with the ceiling fan to the junction box with the supplied screws and a screwdriver. The mounting bracket has a hanger built into it called a socket. The socket is the part of the bracket that secures the fan.

7. Place the ball located on the end of the shaft that extends out of the top of the ceiling fan's motor into the round socket located on the mounting bracket. Once installed, you can let go of the ceiling fan. The ball and socket hold the fan in place.

8. Locate the metal safety wire connected to the shaft extending from the motor. Secure the loose end of the safety wire to the junction box with the supplied fastener and a screwdriver. The safety wire prevents the fan from falling to the floor in the event the mounting bracket fails. Do not forgo this step.

9. Wire the black wires together, wire the white wires together and then wire the green wires together. Wrap wire nuts over each set of wires and then cover the wire nuts with electrical tape. Stuff the wires inside the junction box via the holes located in the mounting bracket.

10. Raise the electrical junction box cover up the mounting shaft until the top of the cover butts up against the ceiling. Secure the cover to the shaft with the setscrews mounted in the side of the cover.

11. Restore power to the breaker panel.

Tags: mounting bracket, extending from, junction cover, safety wire, wire nuts, wires together