Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Paint The Ceiling A Contrasting Color

Paint the ceiling a contrasting color to complement your home decor.

Painting your ceiling a new color can dramatically change a room with little trouble or cost. Traditional white or light colored ceilings brighten a room and create the illusion of space, while darker shades and warm tones create a more intimate atmosphere. When painting the ceiling, choose paint specifically formulated for use with ceilings, and paint edges carefully to create a clean transition between the ceiling and the contrasting walls.


1. Remove light fixtures, curtains, wall hangings and as much furniture from the room as possible. Cover the floor and heavy furniture with drop cloths and cover trim and electrical outlets with painter's tape to prevent drip and splatter stains.

2. Vacuum the corners and edges adjacent to the ceiling to remove dust and cobwebs. If the ceiling is textured, vacuum the entire ceiling to remove dust in the crevices.

3. Scrape off any undesired bumps and paint drips from the ceiling surface. Fill in cracks with wall putty or Spackle and smooth everything out with a putty knife.

4. Wash the entire ceiling surface with a sponge moistened with warm, soapy water.

5. Sand the ceiling's surface to roughen it up.

6. Apply painter's tape horizontally along the edges of the wall adjacent to the ceiling to a depth of 4 inches to ensure a crisp edge.

7. Fill a paint tray with primer. Cut in the edges and corners of the ceiling using an angled brush. Make 4-inch long horizontal strokes from the edge of the ceiling or corner toward the center of the ceiling, then smooth out the brush strokes with a continuous vertical stroke.

8. Prime the remainder of the ceiling using a paint roller. Allow the primer to dry for at least 24 hours before proceeding. If desired, apply a second coat of primer.

9. Sand the primed surface.

10. Fill a paint tray with paint. Cut in the edges and corners of the ceiling using the same method you used when priming. Paint the ceiling with a paint roller, using "W"-shaped strokes to prevent visible brush strokes. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly, then apply a second coat using the same methods.

Tags: ceiling surface, ceiling using, adjacent ceiling, apply second, apply second coat, brush strokes, ceiling contrasting