Friday, January 8, 2010

Buy A Garage Exhaust Fan

Exhaust from your car or fumes from certain tasks can accumulate in your garage, making it an unsafe place in your home. These harmful fumes need a way out. Buy a good exhaust fan to keep you and your family safe.


1. Determine the amount of time you spend working in your garage and what kinds of projects you do there. A well-used garage would be best ventilated with a continuous exhaust fan. Dangerous chemicals and fumes are constantly exposed in a busy work area and need regular exhaust.

2. Direct freestanding fans to point out a window or door if you do not want to install an exhaust fan. Place the fans so that the cords will not pose a hazard. Turn them on whenever you are working there. Keep windows open when running fans.

3. Consider a large shutter fan if moisture collects in your garage. A good shutter fan will continuously pull the extra condensation out.

4. Use the fan for multiple purposes. Look into fans which offer cooling or heating options while blowing out old fumes.

Tags: your garage