Thursday, April 29, 2010

Paint Ceiling Streaks

Tarps can also be hung on walls to protect them from splattering or drips.

Usually, homeowners take great care to avoid a streaked finish when painting ceilings and walls. However, an intentionally striated surface can add character and depth to your room design. There are three main ways to achieve a streaked ceiling: using multiple colors, painting in stages and employing a paint comb. You can perform the first two techniques from the ground without the assistance of a ladder which makes them somewhat safer. Using a painting comb is also disadvantageous because it is time-consuming, but this tool provides the most control over the length and width of each streak.



1. Remove furniture. Cover furniture with tarps or drop cloths to protect them from paint drips.

2. Open a window and use a fan to promote air circulation particularly if you are working with odorous paints.

3. Put on gloves and safety goggles. Wear a breathing mask if you are sensitive to paint fumes.

4. Stir paint to make sure that each color you are using is well-blended; incorporate all streaks of separated pigment.

5. Place the ladder in the corner.

6. Put painter's tape on each wall where it meets the ceiling.

7. Mount the ladder with a small can of base paint and a brush. Cut in -- apply paint to -- the edge where the wall meets the ceiling. Repeat, forming a border around the perimeter of the ceiling.

8. Attach the roller head to the extension pole; the handle of the roller head screws onto the threaded part of the extension pole.

Multiple Colors

9. Fill the right and left sides of the paint tray with two different colors of paint.

10. Roll the roller head into the paint, pulling up both colors on each half of the brush head.

11. Roll the roller against the textured part of the tray to remove excess paint and blend the colors in the middle. Continue until the paint sounds tacky.

12. Paint the ceiling in long strokes from end to end. Move the roller over approximately 1 foot and repeat to form a series of parallel lines. Leave a space between each row.

13. Repeat Step 1 to Step 4 with the remaining colors, filling in the areas of the ceiling that are not painted.

14. Dry and repeat to achieve the desired look.

15. Make sure that the ends of each line blend into the perimeter border. Touch up this area as necessary by applying paint to your brush and blending the streak into the perimeter with a rubbing motion.


16. Paint three to six separate lines across the ceiling using one color; multiple colors are not necessary for this process but may be used for a more dramatic effect.

17.Allow the lines to dry overnight.

18. Repeat Step 1 to form more lines. Overlap lines to create areas of richer color.

Painter's Comb

19. Apply a coat of paint to the ceiling; use one color.

20. Paint a second coat over the first immediately using the same paint. Do not wait for the first coat to dry.

21. Starting in the corner of the room, drag the comb from one end of the ceiling to the other, pulling paint and forming trenches and ridges of paint.

22. Use the tip of your paintbrush handle to draw additional line as desired.

23. Allow the paint to cure for 72 hours.

Tags: roller head, ceiling using, extension pole, into perimeter, meets ceiling, multiple colors, paint your