Thursday, May 10, 2012

Install An Emerson Ceiling Fan

Add lighting, air circulation and beautiful detail with an Emerson ceiling fan.

Emerson has been an industry leader in ceiling fan design and technology for more than 100 years, manufacturing the first electric motor to operate on AC current and the patent holder on the two primary fan speed control methods. Innovation in design and energy efficiency make Emerson ceiling fans popular with architects and homeowners. Follow the same general installation procedure, no matter what model of Emerson ceiling fan you select.


1. Assemble the Emerson ceiling fan following the manufacturer's instructions provided, but do not attach the fan blades, light bulbs and globes.

2. Turn off the electrical power at the main breaker panel to terminate electrical current to the ceiling outlet box where the fan is to be installed.

3. Attach the ceiling fan hanger bracket to the ceiling outlet box using the two bolts provided, then tighten the bolts with a screwdriver until the bracket is firmly held to the ceiling surface. If you are mounting the ceiling fan on a sloped ceiling, be certain that the open side of the hanger bracket is on the upward side when installed.

4. Extract the electrical circuit wires from the ceiling outlet box and separate them.

5. Lift the fan assembly completed in Step 1 and insert the downrod's hanger ball into the hanger bracket by passing the rod section just below the hanger ball through the opening in the hanger bracket, then lower the hanger ball into the hanger bracket cradle.

6. Separate the fan wires extending out of the top of the ceiling fan's downrod.

7. Connect the green grounding lead attached to the hanger bracket to the green ground wire coming from the downrod and the bare copper grounding wire from the ceiling outlet box with a provided wire nut.

8. Connect the white wire from the fan's downrod to the white (neutral) wire from the ceiling outlet box with a provided wire nut.

9. Connect the black (hot) wire from the ceiling outlet box to the black wire coming from the downrod with a provided wire nut.

10. Complete the wiring connection by connecting the blue wire from the downrod to the red (hot) wire from the ceiling outlet box with a provided wire nut.

11. Make certain each of the wire nuts are firmly tightened on the wire connections, then wrap each with a piece of electrical tape to prevent the wire nuts from coming loose. Turn the connections upward and carefully press the connected wires into the ceiling outlet box.

12. Insert the two 1 1/4-inch threaded studs provided with the fan assembly into the tapped holes in the hanger bracket.

13. Lift the fan's ceiling cover up the downrod to the hanger bracket until the cover is flush against the ceiling and the two threaded studs installed in Step 12 protrude through the holes in the cover, then secure the ceiling cover with the two knobs provided with the ceiling fan. Hand tighten the knobs to hold the ceiling cover snug against the ceiling.

14. Install the fan blades, light bulbs and globes according to the manufacturer's directions.

15. Restore electrical power to the fan location at the main breaker panel.

Tags: ceiling outlet, hanger bracket, wire from, from ceiling, from ceiling outlet