Thursday, May 31, 2012

Replacement Of Ceiling Fan Blades

Deciding if the fan blade needs to be replaced

Sometimes a fan blade doesn't need to be replaced--it may just be out of alignment. Check the alignment by comparing the distance from the ceiling to the top of each blade on the fan. If a blade is closer to the ceiling than other blades, then it can be bent downward. These blades can be easily repositioned. Adjusting the screws will tighten the connection between the blade and the fan, thus reducing any wobbling. Plastic fan blades can be literally bent by hand into better alignment. Also check blades for even distribution. Stand under the fan, now turned off, and observe the blades with the fan turned off. If any blades are not evenly spaced, make adjustments to the bracket with a screwdriver.

Removing blades

Replacing ceiling fan blades requires a few simple tools, such as a ladder and screwdriver. Any fan blade covers should be removed before taking out the fan blades. Some ceiling fans have weights on them to hold everything in place.

Replacing the blades

Place each fan blade into position. Insert the screws in each of the fan blade fitting holes. Secure the whole arrangement with a screwdriver. If you have fan blade covers, place these over the blades. Set the weights back on the fan blades if needed. Turn on the fan to test the balance between the blades. Observe the fan to ensure it doesn't wobble when turned on.

Conflicting blades

Ceiling fans are best replaced with blades ordered from the original manufacturer. Off-the-shelf ceiling fans usually have similar standards for blade length, width and weight. Sometimes the blades come without holes. Other times the blades will have holes that do not match with the fan. The only way this is resolved is by drilling new holes in the fan blades. The brackets on the fan can be used to find the size of hole you need to drill in the fan blades.

Fan motors

Installing new fan blades requires some attention to the power of the motor. Replacement blades should always be very similar to the older blades in regard to length and weight. If the blades are too heavy, the fan motor will get worn out. If the blades are too light, the air will not circulate properly. A strong motor will be able to handle just about any size of blades.

Tags: each blade, blade covers, blades requires, ceiling fans, motor will, with screwdriver