Monday, June 4, 2012

Drop Speaker Wire Through Drywall

Running speaker wires through drywall allows you to set up your home audio system in any room of the house without unsightly speaker wires detracting from the room's decor. Running speaker wire through drywall is a fairly easy job that can be accomplished with a little time, patience and the right tools.


1. Select the location for the speakers. Avoid obstacles such as studs and pipes that may block the wire. Use a pencil to mark the spot on the wall where the wire will be dropped.

2. Drill a 1/2-inch hole for the wire at the marked spot. Drill a second hole near the bottom of the drywall. Align the bottom hole with the top hole. It should be close to the baseboard to make it less noticeable.

3. Tie a small metal weight to a piece of twine. A metal washer or fishing weight works fine. Insert the weight and twine into the top hole and feed it all the way down until it reaches the bottom.

4. Fish the weight and twine out of the bottom hole with a clothes hanger straightened with pliers. Use the pliers to make a small hook shape at one end of the clothes hanger. Insert the hanger into the bottom hole and pull out the piece of twine.

5. Tape the speaker wire around the weight. Pull the speaker wire through the drywall by pulling the twine at the top hole. Feed the speaker wire through the top hole. Connect the speaker.

Tags: bottom hole, speaker wire through, bottom hole with, clothes hanger, hole with, piece twine