Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Construct A Ceiling Medallion From Plaster

A large ornate ceiling medallion surrounding a light fixture

A ceiling medallion is a decorative accent piece placed onto the ceiling surrounding a room's light fixture. It helps to turn your ceiling into an additional decorative surface, operating as a focal point that draws the eye. While a large variety of ceiling medallions are available for purchase at retail, you can have even greater choice, while saving money in the process, by creating your own using plaster as the medallion material. With Plaster of Paris, all that's needed to form your own medallion is to fill a medallion mold in the style desired with the plaster and wait. In under an hour you can remove your new medallion from the mold, and after drying, place it onto your ceiling to add that touch of class you desire.


1. Check with the mold manufacturer for instructions as to how much plaster is needed to fill the mold for the medallion that you're creating.

2. Spray the medallion mold with a mold release agent, covering the entire surface with a light coating to prevent the plaster from sticking to the mold once it hardens.

3. Mix a batch of Plaster of Paris in a bucket using a ratio of 1 part water to 2 parts plaster. Pour the water for the plaster into the bucket and then pour in half of the plaster. Stir the plaster into the water with a wire whisk until it's completely dissolved. Add the rest of the plaster to the water and stir vigorously with the whisk until the plaster is of a smooth consistency.

4. Pour the plaster into the mold, filling the mold from the center outward. Tap the edges of the mold with a small stick or rubber-headed mallet to settle the plaster and force any air bubbles to the top of the mold. Level the plaster along the top with a squeegee to create a flat surface that's easy to mount to your ceiling. Wait about 45 minutes for the plaster to set. Touch the plaster lightly with a fingertip after the waiting period to feel for heat. If the plaster feels warm, then it needs more time to set, as plaster emits heat while setting. Give it 15 more minutes and then test the temperature in 15-minute increments until it's cool and ready to unmold.

5. Turn the mold upside down on a flat surface and remove the mold from the plaster by pressing lightly on the center of the mold while lifting the edges from the medallion.

6. Clean up any rough edges on the plaster by using a sharp hobby knife to remove jagged plaster pieces from the rear edges, creating smooth lines. Wait 48 hours more for the medallion to harden completely before mounting.

7. Mount the medallion in place on your ceiling by applying adhesive caulk to the underside of the piece and pressing it firmly into place. Hold it against the ceiling for about two minutes to allow the caulk to begin to set, and then remove any excess compound from around the medallion with a damp sponge.

Tags: your ceiling, plaster into, about minutes, flat surface, light fixture