Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Balance Ceiling Fan Paddles

An unbalanced ceiling fan creates noise and does not move air properly.

When the blades of a ceiling fan are out of balance, the ceiling fan will wobble. The wobble will increase in intensity as the speed of the ceiling fan increases. An out of balance fan will cause premature wear in the fan's bushings. Balancing your ceiling fan will increase the life of your fan and reduce the amount of noise while the fan is spinning. Balancing a ceiling fan requires few tools, but you need to be cautious when working from a ladder.


1. Set up the step ladder in a position that allows you to safely reach the blades of the ceiling fan.

2. Clean the top of each ceiling fan blade with a clean rag to remove any dust that has built up on the ceiling fan.

3. Turn on the ceiling fan. Watch the ceiling fan to notice at what speed the ceiling fan wobbles the most.

4. Turn off the ceiling fan. Slide the clip-on weight of the blade balancing kit midway on the edge of one of the ceiling fan blades.

5. Turn on the ceiling fan and watch the ceiling fan to see whether the fan has stopped wobbling. If the fan still shakes, move the clip-on weight to another ceiling fan blade. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until the fan no longer wobbles while spinning.

6. Turn off the ceiling fan and place the self-adhesive weights supplied with the blade balancing kit onto the top face of the fan blade, aligned with the clip-on weight.

7. Remove the clip-on weight and turn on the fan to ensure that the fan no longer wobbles at speed. If the fan paddles still wobble, repeat the steps on another fan blade until the fan speeds evenly.

Tags: clip-on weight, Turn ceiling, blade balancing, blades ceiling, ceiling blade