Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Install Beaded Plywood For Ceilings

Beaded plywood recreates the look of individual planks with beads along their edges, but is made in 4-by-8 foot sheets with beads cut into the surface at intervals of 6 or 8 inches. This greatly reduces the amount of labor that is required to install a ceiling.


1. Remove any crown molding or other trim that contacts the ceiling.

2. Hold a sheet of plywood against the ceiling in one corner of the room. Having an assistant will make this process easier.

3. Nail the plywood to the ceiling with finish nails at 12 inch intervals along and across the sheet of plywood.

4. Continue installing sheets of plywood end to end along the length of the room. Cut the final piece of plywood so it fits snugly between the end of the previous piece of plywood and the wall.

5. Install another row of pieces of plywood next to the first row.

6. Continue this process until you have covered the entire ceiling. Unless the room's width is a multiple of 4 feet, you will have to rip the final row of pieces to the proper width.

7. Install pieces of trim around the edges of the ceiling where it meets the walls, and across the joints where the ends of the plywood meet. The joints along the long sides of the plywood will blend in with the beads. Cover the joints along the 4-foot sides with trim to improve the aesthetics of the ceiling.

Tags: with beads, joints along, piece plywood, sheet plywood, this process