Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Antique Tin Ceiling Tiles

Paint tin celing tile to give it an antique look.

Antique tin ceiling tiles add an opulent, old-fashioned look to any ceiling. New tin tiles may come looking like they're much older than they are -- a detail that usually comes at a price. You can paint your own tin ceiling tiles to give them that antique look, even if you don't have experience with antiquing. If you're installing new tin tile, paint it before installing it; otherwise, this process can be done on installed ceiling tile.


1. Clean the tiles using a sponge dampened with dish soap and water. Dry with paper towels or a microfiber cloth.

2. Apply a bonding primer to the tin tile. If your base color will be white or a light color, use white primer; if your base will be dark, use a dark-colored primer. Allow the primer to dry overnight, or as the manufacturer directs.

3. Paint the tin ceiling tile in the base color. Allow the tiles to dry overnight.

4. Pour metallic paint into a roller pan. Dip a foam roller into the paint and roll off the excess. Lightly roll the metallic paint on the tile so that it's applied to the raised part of the design only, giving it the look of metal showing through.

Tags: ceiling tiles, antique look, base color, ceiling tile, metallic paint