Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Create An Awesome Drop Ceiling

Cover dated tiles in stylish fabric or paper.

Drop ceilings have developed a reputation for being tacky. They're not very sturdy and they stain easily. They retain dust. However, if your ceilings are too high or you want to cover exposed wiring, drop ceilings provide the perfect cover. Though drop ceilings were originally standard, modern drop tiles for ceilings come in a variety of chic designs and styles. They're also infinitely customizable, even if new tiles aren't in your budget. With just a little creative thinking, you can turn a drab drop ceiling into an awesome one.


1. Put on goggles and a facemask to protect yourself from falling dust, plaster and debris. Climb a stepladder and push up on one of the tiles; it should pop out easily. Remove the other tiles and stack them on top of each other.

2. Paint the grid first so it has time to dry while you work on the tiles. Blot your mini roller thoroughly to avoid drips in your eyes or unsightly globs of paint. Get on the stepladder so you have the most control over the roller.

3. Cut pieces of fabric or paper about 1 inch larger than your ceiling tiles. Paint the tiles with clear sealer and smooth the fabric or paper over the sealer, folding the excess up around the tiles' sides. Cover the paper or fabric with a second coat of sealer. Allow the tiles to dry overnight. If you're painting your tiles, use a well-blotted mini roller.

4. Gently touch the grid and tiles to check if they're dry. If so, turn each tile diagonally to fit it back up through the grid and into place. If not, wait another day to install them.

Tags: fabric paper, drop ceilings, mini roller