Friday, October 23, 2009

Hang Bubble Chairs

Bubble chairs are unique additions to any room, and add a touch of the 1960s to your decor. However, before you can use your bubble chair, it needs to be hung from the ceiling. Hanging a bubble chair can be slightly challenging, depending on the layout of your room; a bubble chair needs plenty of space. A bubble chair should also be hung from a secure place in your ceiling to give it extra support. Once all factors are taken into account, it is simple to set up your chair and begin using it.


1. Find a good location for your bubble chair. Leave about 3 feet of room between the chair and any walls or other furniture, as it is easy to damage a chair by banging it into things.

2. Use an electric stud finder to locate a stud in the ceiling from which to hang your chair for extra support. Have a partner hold your ladder while you are using the stud finder.

3. Get the proper length of chain, if one is not included with your bubble chair. The chair should be suspended 6 to 8 inches off of the floor. Measure the distance from floor to ceiling and subtract 55 to 57 inches from that. This length determines the amount of chain you will need.

4. Drill a pilot hole that is slightly narrower than the hook you plan to hang your bubble chair from.

5. Select a heavy-duty screw hook that can carry several hundred pounds of weight. Put the screw hook firmly in the pilot hole you drilled.

6. Attach a snap hook to each end of your chain. Place one end of the chain on the hook in your ceiling, and attach the other end to your bubble chair. Work with a partner to hold up the bubble chair while you attach it.

Tags: bubble chair, your bubble, your bubble chair, bubble chair needs, chair needs