Monday, May 24, 2010

Cut Angles For Ceiling Trim

A miter saw will make quick work of cutting your ceiling trim.

Cutting your ceiling trim into miter angles will let the trim meet at the corners of the room cleanly and elegantly. To cut the trim, you will need a miter saw. Do not be intimidated by this power tool. As long as you place the miter saw on a stable work surface and keep your hands clear of the blade, you will get the job done safely. You will be able to cut miters with confidence by the time you are done.


1. Align the saw pointer with the 45-degree mark on the degree scale of the miter saw.

2. Lock the saw's table into position.

3. Hold the trim against the saw's fence with your left hand. Greg Kossow, author of Trim Complete, suggests that a safe distance between your hand and the blade is equal to the width of your hand.

4. Turn on the saw and wait for it to reach its full speed.

5. Grasp the saw's handle with your right hand. Bring it down into the trim with a steady downward pressure. When the cut has been made, turn off the saw, leaving the blade in the down position. When the blade has completely stopped, move the blade back into the up position.

Tags: ceiling trim, into position, with your, your ceiling, your ceiling trim