Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Exposed Wood Beams To A Room

Wood beams that span a ceiling create a dramatic statement in a room, significantly changing the personality of the room. They can also affect the perception of the size of the room, making it seem bigger. Installing exposed wood beams to a ceiling is made easier by the fact that interior design beams are made of lightweight material and are hollow.


1. Decide where you will place your exposed wood beams, and measure across the ceiling to determine the total length you will need. Mark a line for placement of the beam with a chalk line, or designate it with painter's tape.

2. Cut the beams with a handsaw when necessary so they are the appropriate length for spanning the ceiling. These beams usually cut easily.

3. Create installation blocks by measuring the interior of the hollow beam and cutting blocks of wood with an electric saw that will fit inside the beam. Make the blocks about 6 or 7 inches long.

4. Attach the installation blocks to the ceiling, about 5 feet apart. Pre-drill screw holes in the blocks, and use anchor bolts to secure the blocks to the ceiling, or use screws if you are attaching the blocks to ceiling studs. Anchor bolts are sufficient in areas between studs because the beams are light.

5. Use painter's tape to mark the area where the installation blocks are placed so you can locate them after they are covered by the beams.

6. Place a bead of carpenter's glue along the edges of the beam that will touch the ceiling.

7. Install the beam over the installation blocks. They should fit securely if the blocks were cut to the proper size.

8. Pre-drill the screw holes, and screw the beam to the installation blocks. Countersink the screws. Use wood filler to mask the screw holes.

9. Repeat this process until the wood beams span the area you designated. Install additional wood beams as desired.

10. Remove any painter's tape you used for locating the installation blocks.

Tags: installation blocks, blocks ceiling, painter tape, screw holes, Pre-drill screw