Thursday, May 5, 2011

Install A Plant Hanger Into A Textured Ceiling

Securely hang indoor plants on a plant hanger

A textured ceiling leaves no room for error when you want to install a hanging plant hook. Because textured ceilings are harder to patch, you only have one chance to make a hole ensure the plant hangs securely. Securing the hanging plant hook in a stud will ensure the hook won't slide around and potentially damage the texture on your ceiling.


1. Slide a stud finder across the ceiling to find a stud in the area where you want to install your plant hanger. Use a pencil to mark the stud location.

2. Drill a pilot hole through your textured ceiling and into the stud. Use a drill bit that's a little bit smaller than the screw on your plant hanger hook.

3. Place the plant hanger hook into the pilot hole and manually screw it into the stud. Continue pushing and rotating the plant hanger hook until it sits flush with the ceiling.

4. Hang your plant on the indoor plant hanger.

Tags: plant hanger, hanger hook, plant hanger hook, your plant, hanging plant, hanging plant hook, into stud