Friday, November 30, 2012

Install Paintable Wallpaper On A Ceiling

Hanging wallpaper can be a time-consuming task.

Applying paintable wallpaper can be a somewhat demanding task, but it can add a lot of value to your home and open up decor possibilities. With planning and organization, you can make the process much easier. Paintable wallpaper is installed just like any ordinary wallpaper, and it is perfect for covering problem areas, particularly when it is textured. It offers versatility and design options, as it can be painted with any color or type of paint once it dries. Paintable wallpaper can cover cracks and water stains, while introducing new color to a room.


1. Prepare the ceiling by removing any irregularities and filling cracks. Brush away dirt, cobwebs and dust and eliminate paint flakes. Apply spackle to significant cracks and be sure to finish with a smooth and even surface. Small cracks should not be a concern. If there are any ceiling light fixtures, unplug them and remove the shade and bulb.

2. Measure the length of the ceiling with a tape measure, and add 6 inches to the length for overhang.

3. Cut the first wallpaper strip to the length you have determined, using a tape measure and razor or X-Acto knife to cut a straight edge. Cut all the other pieces, making sure to match each strip with the previous pattern to keep the appearance consistent. Keep the pieces in order and number them if necessary.

4. Soak the wallpaper in a tray of water if it is the prepasted type. Follow manufacturer instructions and let it relax for five to 10 minutes prior to application.

5. Mix adhesive according to manufacturer instructions, if you are using non-pasted wallpaper. Lay the first piece down on a table and apply adhesive to one side, using a paint roller. To keep the adhesive moist, fold it into a series of pleats. At each pleat, the adhesive side of the paper should be touching the adjacent section's adhesive side. Some adhesives require a few minutes to set before applying to the wall. Follow the instructions accompanying the adhesive.

6. Apply some adhesive to the edge of the ceiling before applying each piece.

7. Hold the wallpaper in one hand while carefully brushing it into place with a wallpaper brush in your other hand. Make sure to hold the folded wallpaper close to the ceiling to prevent drag. Another person can be a great help in this process.

8. Roll over the seams of the paper with a seam roller so that the edges stick, unless you are working with embossed paper. In this case, dab the seams with a cloth.

9. Paint the paper with a roller once it has completely dried. You can use any standard interior latex or oil-based paint on most paintable wallpaper.

Tags: adhesive side, before applying, manufacturer instructions, Paintable wallpaper, paper with, tape measure