Monday, November 5, 2012

Solder A Ball Chain On Stained Glass

Ball chains can easily be soldered to the lead caming on a stained glass object.

Ball chains are familiar from overhead electrical fixtures, but they can also be used in many fine art and decorative applications--including the decoration of lead cames on stained glass windows and lamps. Soldering ball chain to a stained glass window or lamp is a fairly straightforward procedure and you can easily complete this project yourself even if you have never soldered before. With the right preparation, you can solder a ball chain decoration onto a stained glass object in an afternoon.



1. Test-fit the ball chain against the lead came separating the pieces of stained glass on your window or lamp. Check that the piece of ball chain is the appropriate length for the section of came you would like to decorate.

2. Clean the entire length of ball chain thoroughly with an emery cloth and set the ball chain aside. Do not handle the ball chain with your bare hands after cleaning, to prevent re-contamination of the chain with oils from your fingers.

3. Put on a respirator and gloves and clean the section of lead came that you will use for soldering the ball chain. Rub the came with an emery cloth until the metal begins to shine.

4. Paint the lead came with a thin coating of liquid flux. Apply a thin coat of flux to the ball chain as well. The flux will de-oxidize the metal, creating a better surface for the solder.


5. Clamp the ball chain in the desired position along the lead came and put on heat-resistant gloves and eye protection.

6. Place a small amount of solder on the tip of a soldering iron and turn on the iron. When the solder begins to melt, paint the solder into the space between the lead came and the ball chain.

7. Turn on the propane torch and adjust the flame until it is 1 1/2 inches long. Heat the lead came adjacent to the ball chain, moving the flame back and forth. Do not heat the ball chain or the solder directly. When the solder flows into the space between the ball chain and the came, remove the heat.

8. Allow the area to cool completely before unclamping the ball chain.

Tags: ball chain, ball chain, lead came, stained glass, ball chain came