Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hang A Light Fixture

An updated light fixture can change a room.

Hanging a light fixture is not as difficult as it may seem. It's merely an issue of securing and wiring. So dust off that boxed up light you bought six months ago and get it up above your dining room table. It'll change the look of your entire room.


1. Check that an existing mounting box in the ceiling can hold the weight of the fixture. If not, purchase a new mounting box for heavier weighted fixtures. If your box is mounted to a ceiling joist you can also use a pancake box.

2. Turn the power off. Flip the switch and test the wires to make sure the power is off. To be extra sure, shut the power off at the main breaker box.

3. Screw the mounting bracket to the mounting box. Pull the wires down so that they are easier to work with. You should only be attaching the fixture to the black, white and bare wires.

4. Hold the fixture up to the box and attach the black wire from the light to the black wire(s) in the box with a wire nut. Then white to white and bare to bare or green wire, which would be the ground wire. Make sure all the connections are tight. Check by pulling on each one individually.

5. Push the excess wire and nuts up into the box.

6. Tighten the nut onto the hanging bracket and attach the fixture.

Tags: black wire, light fixture, white bare