Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Make A Prune Costume

Use paper mache to create a prune costume.

The hardest part of choosing a Halloween costume is choosing one that is different from everyone else's. Making your own costume ensures that yours is different from other trick-or-treaters or party-goers. One homemade costume idea is a prune costume. Using a large balloon and paper mache, create your own prune costume with little energy and money. The result is a costume unlike anyone else's.


1. Inflate a large, 36-inch balloon. Tie the end of the balloon to seal it. Hang the balloon using a piece of 18-inch long string tied to the tied-off end of the balloon. Attach the loose end to an eyehook in the ceiling or the pull cords of a ceiling fan.

2. Pour 2-cups of liquid starch into a disposable pie plate. Liquid starch is available in the laundry aisle at the grocery store. If preferred, use your favorite recipe for making paper mache glue.

3. Tear newspaper into 1- by 6-inch strips. Dip the strips into the liquid starch. Clear the excess liquid off by passing the strips through your fingers. Press the strips to the surface of the balloon. Overlap the strips as you go, covering the entire thing. Smooth the strips as you go.

4. Leave the strips to dry overnight.

5. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to create a second layer of smooth newspaper. Allow it to dry overnight, as well.

6. Apply a third layer of strips following the same method. However, on the third layer, crumple the strips up before applying them to the surface to create the wrinkled skin of the prune. Do not smooth them. Leave the strips overnight to dry.

7. Pop the balloon inside the paper mache sphere using a pair of scissors or a safety pin.

8. Cut a 24-inch circle on the top of the sphere, around where the tied-off end of the balloon was. Use a utility knife to cut. Cut a second hole in the same manner on the bottom of the sphere. Remove the remnants of the balloon and discard them, along with the cutoff sections of the sphere.

9. Spray paint the outside of the sphere using a dark purple prune color. Allow the paint to dry overnight.

10. Attach a pair of suspenders to the top edge of the purple sphere. This holds the costume on. Use matching purple suspenders. If you cannot find the right color, either use black instead or dye the suspenders using purple fabric dye. Since dye instructions vary, follow the specific directions listed on the package.

11. Wear a dark purple or black pair of pants and shirt under the completed prune costume.

Tags: paper mache, dark purple, different from, Leave strips, Leave strips overnight, liquid starch, mache create