Stars on the ceiling might be easier to paint than you think.
When it's time to redecorate their bedrooms, children often have complicated, inventive schemes and ideas in mind that they'll quickly outgrow. Allow your little star gazer to add highlights that will only be visible when the lights are off. Using simple glow-in-the-dark paints, you and your child can create a breathtaking shooting star ceiling that will become dazzling and radiant after dark.
1. Paint the entire ceiling black with a paint roller, using a flat-finish paint. You might need to apply a second coat to get a truly even color.
2. Choose the locations for your shooting stars. Spacing them out by at least a few feet will heighten the effect.
3. Use an artist's paintbrush to place a dab of yellow glow-in-the-dark paint where you want the shooting star to be located.
4. Pull the paint brush back in a straight line so that the glow-in-the-dark paint gets continuously lighter as you move away from the tip. This creates the illusion of a shooting star. Be sure the tip of the shooting star is the most prominent point.
5. Add other stars all across the ceiling with single dabs of glow-in-the-dark paint. Make the surrounding stars varying levels of prominence so that some appear lighter -- or farther away -- than others. You can mix white paint with the yellow paint to achieve the lighter effect.
Tags: shooting star, glow-in-the-dark paint, that will