Stucco ceilings look attractive, until the texture of the plaster and paint on the ceiling starts to crumble and crack, which can happen over the years. You can't easily stucco over existing stucco, because the texture of the previous surface will prevent you from getting a clean, consistent texture. You have to scrape off the previous texture to get a flat surface to work on. If you haven't done stucco before, practice on some scrap wood before you start.
1. Cover the floor with tarps. Set up your ladder under one side of the ceiling.
2. Scrape away the old stucco with your putty knife. Follow up with a paint scraper, getting the ceiling's surface as smooth as you can. Do the whole ceiling.
3. Roll on stucco paint over as wide a section of the ceiling as you can comfortably reach from one position. Lay it on as thickly as possible.
4. Push the
5. Push the trowel back into the stucco, right next the area where it was before. Pull it out again.
6. Repeat and continue, pulling the stucco little by little, working your way across the whole section. Climb down from the ladder after every dozen pulls of the trowel to look at the area from a distance and make sure you're keeping your trowel marks consistent.
7. Move the ladder to the next section and repeat the process, melding the troweled areas together and keeping it all consistent. Do the whole ceiling, section by section. Let it set for 24 hours.