Monday, August 9, 2010

Faux Paint Ceiling Tiles

Faux painting can create fantastic style effecfts

Faux painting is an art which is used to create "fake" styles on surfaces, such as marble or wood-grain. This decorative finish is particularly useful to use on ceiling tiles because the final work will be displayed at a height that will lessen the chances of anyone spotting that it is a faux paint job. If you paint well then you will be able to convince anyone that any ceiling tiles are made of the finest materials.


1. Prepare your work area. Faux painting can be a messy process and you should cover the area you are working in with polystyrene, plastic or newspaper. Also open a window so the fumes from the paints and glaze are allowed to escape without building up in the room.

2. Paint your base color. Choose a color that would be an appropriate background for your tile and will eventually complement the final design. This will effectively create a smooth, blank canvas on which you will create your faux painting. Allow the paint to dry for at least 5 hours in a well-ventilated area before continuing.

3. Create the color that you will use for your painting. You will create this by taking a base color and adding glaze to the mix. The amount of glaze and different types of glaze depend on what color and effect you want to achieve. It is very much a case of trial-and-error so keep and adding and mixing until you are happy with your creation. Pour the finished mix into a paint tray.

4. Decide on the method of application for your mix. An old rag can be used for application if you are looking to create a dabbed, inconsistent effect, such as when creating an unstructured leafy scene. You can also use a sponging technique that will create larger splashes of paint. Stippling is also an option and this involves using a paint brush to gradually dab on paint and provides more control when looking to create an intricate pattern. The style of application is dependent on the type of painting you want on your ceiling tile.

5. Practice this technique. Before starting work on the ceiling tile it is important to practice whichever techniques you have chosen. A small square of cardboard or something similar would be perfect for practicing.

6. When you are comfortable with your faux painting skills then start working on the ceiling tile. When you are happy with the final product leave the tiles in a well-ventilated area to dry overnight.

Tags: ceiling tile, that will, will create, base color, ceiling tiles, color that, Faux painting