The addition of glow-in-the-dark stars to a bedroom ceiling can give the room inhabitant the feeling that he is sleeping out in the open and enjoying the beauties of nature, without the need to worry about the arrival of an unexpected downpour. Making this whimsical addition to your bedroom ceiling is a simple process that you can carry out in an assortment of different ways.
1. Create the most authentic night-sky backdrop possibly by painting
2. Paint glow-in-the-dark stars directly onto your ceiling using a stencil. Purchase a plastic or cardboard stencil and add these stars to your ceiling using glow-in-the-dark paint. Because most glow-in-the-dark paints go on clear, you may first want to stencil a white star then add a top layer of
3. Stamp on stars. Purchase a stamp featuring a star or buy several with stars of different sizes. Paint your ceiling a dark hue to start. Fill a tray with glow-in-the-dark paint and press your stamp into it, coating the stamp surface. Press your stamp onto your ceiling firmly, then pull it away quickly to create a crisp and clear star image. As with stenciling, if using a transparent glow-in-the-dark paint, you may first want to start by stamping white stars, then go back over with your glow-in-the-dark top coat.
4. Paint constellations on your ceiling. Review diagrams of the constellations that dot the night sky, and base your star additions upon these images. Paint the stars on by hand, using a small detail brush and glow-in-the-dark paint. To make it more obvious which constellations you are trying to depict, paint thin lines connecting your stars, showing the shapes they create when combined.
Tags: your ceiling, glow-in-the-dark paint, ceiling using, onto your, onto your ceiling, stars your, stars your ceiling