Monday, October 10, 2011

Fix A Ceiling Exhaust Fan

Fix a Ceiling Exhaust Fan

When the exhaust fan in your bathroom begins to malfunction or stops working, it can indicate a bad motor unit. You can fix a ceiling exhaust fan in your bathroom by replacing the motor used to power the fan. Since the motor is the heart of the fan, replacing the motor is like getting a new fan but with less cost. You an accomplish this by first purchasing the correct fan motor.


1. Remove the grille covering the fan assembly. Use a screwdriver to remove some screws or to release a metal spring.

2. Remove any dust or dirt that has accumulated in the fan so you can locate the model number. If you cannot locate the model number, take the motor to a home improvement store to find an equivalent replacement.

3. Unplug the motor, and remove the motor plate. Remove the retaining screw or press the tab to release the plate, and pull the assembly out of the ceiling.

4. Place the motor assembly on a table, and remove the blower wheel from the top of the unit.

5. Remove the screws used to secure the motor to the plate, and pull the motor off of the plate.

6. Place the new motor onto the plate, and tighten the screws to secure the motor.

7. Set the blower wheel back in place on top of the unit.

8. Insert the motor assembly back into the ceiling, and tighten the retaining screw, if needed, to secure the plate.

9. Plug the motor back in, and replace the grill to complete the project.

Tags: motor plate, blower wheel, Ceiling Exhaust, exhaust your, exhaust your bathroom, locate model, locate model number