Monday, March 26, 2012

Calculate Materials For A Drop Ceiling

Drop ceiling with Light Fixture

A drop ceiling, also known as a suspended ceiling, is a very efficient and economical method for installing a ceiling. At one time these ceilings were used only in basements and in commercial applications. With more ceiling tile options and designs available, these ceilings are now finding their way into all areas of the home. Calculating your material needs for your ceiling does not need to be a difficult task.


1. Measure your room, taking very precise measurements. For this example our room will be 10 feet by 12 feet. Determine the square footage of the room by multiplying the width times the length. For our room this will be 120 square feet. To determine the number of 2-foot-by-2-foot square tiles you will need, divide the square footage by 4. ( 120 divided by 4 = 30 ceiling tiles.) If you are using 2-foot-by-4-foot tiles, divide the square footage by 8. (120 divided by 8 = 15 ceiling tiles.)

2. Calculate the amount of "L" bracket needed for your project. The "L" bracket is the bracket that will be mounted along the outer walls. To determine the amount needed for your project, simply record the measurements of all exterior walls. In our example, this would be 10+12+10+12=44. In most instances "L" brackets are sold in 10- or 12-foot lengths, so you can expect to have some waste. But proper measurement can keep this to a minimum.

3. Divide the width of the room by two, then subtract one to determine the number of rows of "T" bracket you will be installing. In our sample room this would be 10 divided by 2 = 5 minus 1 = 4 rows of "T" brackets. Multiple this number by the length of your room to determine the total amount of "T" bracket needed to complete your ceiling. 4 x 12 = 48 feet of 'T' bracket needed.

4. Determine the number of 2-foot "T" brackets needed to complete your grid. Divide the overall length of one row of "T" bracket by four, then subtract 1 from your answer. Count the number of rows of "T" brackets to be used in your room and add one to this number. Now simply multiply these two numbers to calculate the total number of 2-foot "T" brackets needed for your grid.

5. Take the total amount of "T" bracket calculated in step 3 and divide by 4. This will tell you the total number of anchors you will need. Measure from the overhead anchor point to the desired level of the ceiling, and add twelve inches to this measurement. Multiply this times the number of anchors to determine the total amount of hanger wire you will need. You are now ready to take your list to the hardware store and begin your project.

Tags: amount bracket, bracket needed, needed your, room this, square footage, total amount, will need