Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pick Fan Blades Based On Room Size

A medium-sized bedroom needs a fan whose blade span is 44 inches.

When you add a ceiling fan to a room, you must select an appropriately sized fan for the room. A fan that is not large enough will deliver ineffective air movement for the room size. A fan that is too large will overpower the room with more air movement than necessary. Pick fan blades based on room size to ensure your fan can do its job properly. Determine fan-blade size by the blade span of the fan.


1. Measure the length and width of the room with the tape measure. Write the dimensions down.

2. Multiply the length measurement by the width measurement to find the area of the room. For example, if the length of the room is 20 feet and the width of the room is 15 feet, multiply 20 times 15 to get 300 square feet.

3. Select a fan with an appropriate blade span based on your area measurement. Using the example from Step 2, a 300-square-foot room requires a fan with a blade span of between 50 and 54 inches. Room areas between 144 square feet and 225 square feet require a 44-inch blade span. Room areas between 76 square feet and 144 square feet require blade spans between 36 inches and 42 inches. Rooms below 75 square feet need blade spans between 29 inches and 36 inches.

Tags: square feet, blade span, between inches, areas between, areas between square