Thursday, September 12, 2013

Install Ceiling Tiles In An Unsquare Room

Ceiling tiles are usually made out of a material called fiberboard, which is made out of plant or cane fibers and chemicals that are then pressed into a semihard material. Ceiling tiles are pretty easy to install, but because they come in 12-inch by 12-inch squares, they can be harder to work with in rooms that are not perfectly square (or in rooms that do not have dimensions that are exactly in feet). Installing ceiling tiles in an unsquare room requires a little bit of extra planning beforehand.


1. Measure your dimensions. Ceiling tiles generally come in 1-foot by 1-foot squares, and you need to measure your dimensions not only to know how many tiles to get but also to determine the size of your border tiles.

2. Calculate the size of your border tiles. This is easy if your room is rectangular. If your room does not have a rectangular shape, you must individually cut each border tile to fit the room. However, if you have a rectangular room, your border tiles can be made pretty easily. Because the tiles measure 12 inches by 12 inches, take the overhang, in inches, of one side, add 12 to it, and then divide that number by two. That will be the width of your border tiles. For example, if your room is 10 feet 6 inches long, add 12 to the 6-inch overhang (giving you 18), and then divide that number by 2. This means that each border tile will be 9 inches wide. It is far easier to make two sets of border tiles for each side rather than cutting and fitting very small sections of tile on just one side. It will also make your ceiling look more symmetrical. Once you have measured the room long-ways, you will also need to measure its width to make border tiles for that direction as well.

3. Cut your border tiles. Using the measurements you made in Step 2, cut border tiles for all four sides of the room (you can use a utility knife for this along with a metal straight-edge), while also using the measurements to cut four corner tiles.

4. Plan your border. Use a piece of chalk to draw a line that is one border tile's width from the wall, to help you align your border tiles.

5. Install your corner tiles. Take the adhesive that comes with the tiles and put a little bit on each corner (about 1 inch from the edge) as well as a moderate amount in the center of the tile. Press the tile firmly in place on the ceiling for approximately 30 seconds.

6. Install a few border tiles along each side. You don't need to install all of your border tiles at once, but five or so tiles per side will guide you when you install your full tiles.

7. Install all of your uncut tiles. It is best to do this in sections, because it will help you make sure that all of your tiles are properly aligned.

8. Finish adding your border tiles.

Tags: border tiles, your border, your border tiles, border tile, tiles Install, your room, border tiles Install