Monday, June 15, 2009

Choose Behr Paint Colors

Choose Behr Paint Colors

We've all stood in front of hundreds of paint color charts in the store trying to decide which paint color would look best on our walls and which trim color would look good with the wall color and what color should I paint the ceiling? We end up coming home with books and hundreds of color charts.

Here is a solution to that problem. Now you can walk into any hardware store or paint store that carries Behr Paint and have a pretty good idea of what you are looking for and save yourself some time.

Behr Paint has an online website with a virtual project center where you can coordinate your walls, trim and ceiling colors together and it also provides you with the paint name and number. Now you can walk into the store and simply look for that name and number on the paint color charts.


1. First, go to Behr Paint's website. I have listed the link below. Once the page loads, over to the right on the top you will see "Project Center". Holding your mouse over that tab, a drop down box will appear. Go down to "Visualize with Color Smart".

2. A smaller box will start to load. Once that appears, hit browse colors. From there you choose which color family you are interested in (Reds, Blues, Greens, etc.). Choose the color and explore. You can lighten or darken the color. Once you choose your main color, you hit "Coordinate". Color Smart will group together two other colors with the main color. From there, select which grouping is close to what you are interested in, and again, you can fine tune those two colors. Once you have all three colors to your liking, hit "Preview".

3. Now you can either load your own photo, or use a sample. You can select the room, or the exterior. Click on your 3 colors and place them where you want it in the room (wall, ceiling, trim).

I hope this information is helpful to anyone who is about to begin a painting project.

Tags: Behr Paint, color charts, paint color, Behr Paint Colors, Choose Behr, Choose Behr Paint, Color Smart