Monday, June 22, 2009

Paint A Ceiling Rosette

A ceiling rosette also goes by the names ceiling rose and ceiling medallion. No matter what you call them, they all serve the same function, to adorn the base of light fixtures on a ceiling, typically chandeliers. The intricate designs of many ceiling rosettes add a formal flair to any room's decor. Ceiling rosettes are also paintable, so that they blend in seamlessly with the surrounding ceiling surface. It's best to paint a ceiling rosette prior to installing it.


1. Spread a tarp over a work table and place the ceiling rosette in the center with the finished side facing upward. Put on disposable gloves to protect yourself from back spray.

2. Remove the top from a can of spray paint in your chosen color and shake the can thoroughly for approximately 20 seconds.

3. Hold the can approximately 6 to 8 inches away from the ceiling rosette and spray it with short, quick paint strokes. Do not attempt to achieve full paint coverage at one time. Work your way around the rosette, maintaining the short strokes until you reach the starting location.

4. Repeat the spraying process around the perimeter of the rosette a second time using short strokes, but this time focusing on any bare unpainted areas still visible. Continue this process until no part of the rosette remains visible.

5. Wait until the rosette dries completely before installing it on the ceiling. Typically, the drying time is at least 24 hours.

Tags: ceiling rosette, ceiling rosette, short strokes