Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cut Acrylic Ceiling Light Panels

Acrylic light panels come in different textures, but this doesn't affect cutting methods.

Ceiling light panels made of acrylic plastic help evenly distribute and diffuse light while reducing intensity and glare. You may have to cut or trim ceiling light panels in a pinch to size them to lighting fixtures. Acrylic ceiling light panels vary in thickness from about .050 inches to .150 inches thick, so cutting techniques may vary. Scribing knives and table or circular saws provide the simplest, most direct cutting methods.


1. Place the light panel atop two saw horses, leaving the cutting area between the two horses. Alternatively, you can hang the panel over the edge of a work table. Clamp the sheet securely to the saw horses or one side of the table. Leave the smooth side of textured panels face up.

2. Position a straight edge -- such as a ruler, T-square or level -- along the line you wish to cut.

3. Cut a groove with a scribing knife or utility knife along the straight edge. Run the blade along the edge in one direction three to four times for a thin panel or eight to times for a thick panel.

4. Break the panel along the line. If the panel is clamped to saw horses, remove the clamps on one side and apply strong downward pressure. If clamped to a work table, simply push down on the part of the panel that hangs over the table edge.

5. Equip your table or circular saw with a carbide tipped, triple chip blade. Lubricate the blade by spreading a thin layer of beeswax over it.

6. Set your table saw's height to 1/8 of an inch if using a table saw, or set your hand held circular saw to its highest speed setting. Clamp the panel to saw horses or a table as you would when cutting with a knife if cutting with a circular saw.

7. Mark your cut with a straight edge and dry erase marker.

8. Slowly feed the panel through the table saw or make a slow, smooth and controlled cut along the marked line with a circular saw. Take your time as you cut to avoid overheating.

Tags: light panels, straight edge, along line, ceiling light, cutting methods, cutting with