Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Check The Oil In A Hunter Fan

Learn check the oil in your original Hunter ceiling fan.

The Hunter ceiling fan has been manufacturing fans to cool homes since 1886. Most of today's models of Hunter fans are purchased and require little to no maintenance other than a light dusting from time to time. You can still purchase original Hunter ceiling fans, which do require adding oil, and periodically checking the oil to ensure that the fan runs at an optimal performance level. Checking the oil every other month is critical because the bearings--which help rotate the blades--need to be constantly submerged in a bath of oil. If the bearings become dry, the motor can burn up and cause severe damage to the fan.


1. Turn off the fan and wait until the blades stop rotating before attempting to check the oil.

2. Locate the oil reservoir which will be a small hole marked "oil" just underneath the fan motor.

3. Bend the end of a standard pipe cleaner into a 1/2-inch long hook, and stick it into the oil reservoir.

4. Pull the pipe cleaner out, and feel to see if the pipe cleaner has touched the oil. If the pipe cleaner has oil on it, then the oil level is sufficient. Add oil if the pipe cleaner is dry.

Tags: pipe cleaner, Hunter ceiling, original Hunter, original Hunter ceiling