Friday, March 26, 2010

Paint A Metal Ceiling Fan

Do you have old, worn out metal ceiling fans in your bedrooms? You don't have to run out and replace them. New ceiling fans can cost hundreds of dollars. And if you buy a base in a different size you may have to patch and paint the ceiling underneath. A few coats of paint can instantly transform your ceiling fans and make them look brand new.


1. Take the ceiling fan down and lay it outside on a drop cloth or newspapers. Using spray paint indoors is a very bad idea. Spray paint is messy and tends to drift and stick itself to any available surface nearby.

2. Completely clean your ceiling fan with trisodium phosphate (TSP). TSP is a strong cleaner that should be diluted at a ratio of one part TSP to six parts water. Put the mixture in a spray bottle for easier handling. Wear rubber gloves while you are working with TSP. Spray the solution on the fan and use a clean rag to remove any grease and dirt from the surface of the fan. Old grime will interfere with the paint's ability to adhere. Use clean water to rinse off the TSP from the fan. Allow fan to dry.

3. Remove the fan blades and any other accessories that you don't want painted. Cover anything that can't be removed with newspaper and low tack tape. If you are planning to paint the fan blades, set them aside on the drop cloth.

4. Spray the fan base with primer. Use consistent back and forth motions, overlapping with each stroke. Apply one or two coats of primer. If you can still see the original finish through the primer apply additional coats. Prime one side of the fan blades and allow to dry. Flip the fan blades over and prime the other side.

5. Paint the ceiling fan using a good quality spray paint. A paint formulated for metal will give a more durable finish but is not necessary if the fan is not subject to extreme wear and tear. Paint one side of the fan blades and allow to dry. Flip the blades over and paint the other side. Use two to three coats of paint, allowing each to dry between coats.

6. Re-attach the fan blades and other accessories. Hang the ceiling fan back in its original spot.

Tags: ceiling fans, allow Flip, allow Flip blades, blades allow, blades allow Flip, blades other