Monday, June 21, 2010

Fix Noise In A Bathroom Ceiling Fan

Ceiling fans make room temperatures more uniform.

A noisy ceiling fan can be a distraction, but there are ways to reduce noise in your bathroom ceiling fan. Although these fans are efficient at circulating air, they can sometimes wobble because screws loosen over a period of time. However, you will be able to repair your ceiling fan yourself.


1. Turn the fan off and check to see if the fan's canopy touches the ceiling. If it does, it must be adjusted. Tighten screws in the motor housing, as well as those holding the fan blade bracket to the motor hub.

2. Tighten screws that hold the globe and light fixture, if your ceiling fan has lights attached to it. You should check your ceiling fan after completing each step to see if it continues to generate a loud noise.

3. Install the silencer band over the neck of the fan globe and tighten screws in the lamp holder.

4. Turn the fan on and take note of any other problems. Keep your fan clear of dust and other debris, and check to see if something is blocking your fan's blades.

Tags: your ceiling, Tighten screws