Hang a chair indoors safely.
Hanging chairs create a carefree, casual style of decorating that's right at home in porches, patios and family rooms. Hanging a chair in a porch or patio is pretty straightforward: The ceiling joists you hang it from are exposed and easily located. In an interior room you have to search a little to find these ceiling joists. For safety's sake, it's best to hang a hanging chair directly from supporting structural
1. Use an electronic stud finder to locate the ceiling joists in the room where you are hanging the chair. Rub the stud finder over the ceiling. It will light up, indicating the location of the joists. Tap the ceiling lightly with a hammer on either side of the location the stud finder has lit up. Listen carefully as you tap. The area on either side of the stud will sound slightly hollow, as it is a cavity between the stud joists. Use a pencil to mark the exact location of both sides of the joist, which should be approximately 2 inches wide.
2. Drill a 3-inch-deep hole in the ceiling joist, using a 1/4-inch or 5/16-inch drill bit. Make sure the starter hole is perfectly perpendicular to the floor so the hanging apparatus hangs straight. The hole is drilled slightly smaller in diameter than the bolt used to hang the chair to ensure the hanging bolt bites into the wood securely.
3. Thread the following onto the 3 1/2-by-3/8-inch lag bolt in this order: the 1-inch washer, the swivel "U" hook and finally the 1 1/2-inch washer.
4. Insert the end of the lag bolt, including the washers and the "U" hook, into the pre-drilled hole. Use a 9/16-inch or adjustable wrench to screw in the lag bolt, along with the washers and swivel "U" hook. Drive the bolt completely into the pre-drilled hole, until all of the bolt's threads are buried. Continue to turn it with the wrench until it is securely tightened into the hole but not too tight; the "U" swivel hook should turn freely. If it doesn't, loosen the lag bolt a little.
5. Insert the "S" hook into the "U" swivel hook. Attach a length of sturdy chain to the "S" hook. Attach the hanging hook on the chair to the chain. The chain can be shortened to adjust the height of the chair by changing the link that the chain is hung from the "S" hook. After determining the desired chair height, cut the link in the chain above the one that gives you the ideal chair height to remove the excess length of chain, using a bolt cutter. If the chain is too short, buy a new chain the correct length. Do not fasten together two lengths of chain as it could be a safety hazard.
Tags: ceiling joists, swivel hook, stud finder, ceiling will, chair height, either side, hanging chair