Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Paint An Exposed Ceiling

Ceilings with exposed rafters, like attics and basements, can be painted to add to the look of your décor. A dark color will hide imperfections in the ceiling, but also make the room look smaller and darker. A light color of paint will show imperfections, but serves to lighten the whole room. Using a paint sprayer is easiest for this job since it allows you to paint everything at once. The paint sprayer also reaches crevices that brushes and rollers can't reach.


1. Remove furniture from the room and place a drop cloth over the floor. Place drop cloths over the furniture if moving it isn't possible. Put newspaper on the walls and tape it in place.

2. Pour the paint into the bucket. Mix the paint together if you have more than one can of paint. This produces a uniform color. Thin the paint with 1 to 2 cups of water.

3. Fill the paint sprayer with the thinned paint. Adjust the pressure so the paint sprays a fine, even mist.

4. Point the paint sprayer at the ceiling about 12 inches from the surface and move your arm back and forth as you spray. Don't stop moving your arm while you're spraying. Keep your wrist straight so you can get an even layer of paint over the whole exposed ceiling. Overlap each area with the next to create an even finish. Use a ladder to reach the high points in your ceiling, if needed.

5. Cover the entire ceiling with an even layer of paint and allow it to dry. Apply a second layer of paint for an even finish.

Tags: paint sprayer, layer paint, even finish, even layer, even layer paint