Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fix A Ceiling Fan Wobble

Ceiling fans allow a good amount of air circulation to any space. Installing a ceiling fan requires an amount of attention to detail to prevent wobble and increase the efficiency of the unit. Over time, even a well-installed a ceiling fan might develop a slight wobble. With a little knowledge, though, you can fix it yourself.


1. Disconnect power from the ceiling fan and allow it to come to a complete stop on its own. Don't stop the ceiling fan blades with your hand.

2. Determine the distance from the ceiling to the center tip of each ceiling fan blade. Use a tape measure placed on the ceiling extending downwards to the floor. Rotate each blade past the measuring tape and note the height of each fan blade.

3. Find the blades that are more than 1/4-inch out of true from the other blades. These blades need adjustment higher or lower to even out the balance.

4. Adjust the ceiling fan blades that are out of balance by determining if the blade needs tightening or loosening of the screws that attach the blade to the arm. Use a screwdriver to manipulate the screws to fix the wobble.

5. Buy a balancing kit from any home improvement center such as Home Depot or Lowe's. This kit contains a weight that is placed on each blade to identify the wobble. Once found, affix a small weight to the top of the blade to balance the fan blades.

Tags: each blade, blades that, ceiling blades, from ceiling