Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cheap Kitchen Backsplash Ideas

Use smaller areas, basic tiles and materials to save money.

Creating an inexpensive backsplash doesn't have to translate to a look that's cheap. If you're resourceful and flexible, you can create a backsplash that looks like a million for less than you might imagine. Resist the temptation to be a stickler for colors and styles. Check the discontinued items bins for tiles as well as caulking supplies. Build a collection of materials that you combine from various finds at various retail stores. Use creativity to build a backsplash masterpiece without breaking your budget.

Stove Area Only

One of the best ways to create a backsplash inexpensively is to reduce the area for the backsplash. Apartments and condominiums often have a short distance of space in between the top of the stove to the top of the next area, like a cabinet or overhanging microwave. Measure the most visible areas and commit to only creating the backsplash where it's needed most. This will save lots of money on tiles, materials and installation time. You can even make the task simple enough to complete as a do-it-yourself project.

Basic Tiles

Instead of high-end tiles, select basic tiles. The key is to be flexible in color choices, patterns, sizes and textures in order to save money. While flat-painted tiles can look drab next to a high-gloss enamel tile in the store, think of it as a "tile jewel in the rough." By purchasing a high-gloss varnish, you can create the same effect for less.

Tin or Aluminum Sheets

A tin or aluminum backsplash will give a contemporary look to a modern kitchen and tie in with stainless steel appliances. It can also add a "diner" effect to make a country kitchen theme complete. You can purchase inexpensive sheets of tin or aluminum at most home improvement stores. Or, you can purchase square tiles. Restaurant supply stores might also be a good source to find aluminum sheets.


A white or transparent sheet of Plexiglas can be purchased inexpensively and found in various sources. Use premeasured sheets that can be found anywhere from home improvement stores to office supply stores. Measure the space to be covered and purchase sheets in sizes to fit. Sheets can be attached to the wall as a semi-permanent or permanent fixture. The additional benefit of Plexiglas is that it can be easy to clean with common household cleaners that are made to cut grease.

Broken China

Give broken china a new life and create a backsplash mosaic. Use chipped or incomplete pieces of china to create the look. Purchase a piece of pressboard to serve as the background to create the mosaic. Then break up the china and arrange it into a pattern, similar to creating a jigsaw puzzle. Grout the spaces in between the china. You can also purchase inexpensive tiles and china from discount stores to achieve a special look in terms of colors. Hang the final mosaic in the kitchen area to give a backsplash the look of a customized piece of artwork.

Tags: create backsplash, basic tiles, home improvement, home improvement stores, improvement stores, purchase inexpensive