Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hide A Popcorn Ceiling

Carpentry tools

The best way to hide a popcorn ceiling is to cover it with ceiling tiles. The tiles can be applied directly over the existing ceiling for much less money and with less work than if you remove the ceiling and start over. Scraping it off creates a mess and causes huge amounts of dust and removed substance that can be hazardous to your health. After a short weekend project you'll never have to look at that popcorn ceiling again.


Remove Ceiling Fixtures

1. Ceiling fixture

Remove fixtures and air conditioning vents from the ceiling.

2. Find the center of the room by striking chalk lines. To do this, measure the top of each opposite wall (north/south and east/west), making marks at the halfway points. Using a chalk line, snap a line for pair of walls from each ceiling midpoint to the opposite midpoint. The converging point of the two lines marks the center of the ceiling.

3. Glue the tiles to the ceiling using tile adhesive. Use the knife to apply the glue in large "dots" at 3-inch intervals around the perimeter and throughout the middle area for each tile.

4. Apply the first tile on a corner where the chalked lines meet. Press the tile onto the ceiling, securing the edges and middle.

5. Apply the next three tiles on other corners where the chalked lines meet.

6. Continue placing tiles around the ceiling closely together and aligned with the center tiles. Cut holes in the tiles in which fixtures will be mounted.

7. Place the tiles around the air conditioning vent hole and then cut away the opening to fit the vent, leaving the hole over which you'll replace the vent.

8. Install the tiles around the edges of the ceiling when all the whole tiles have been installed. Measure each edge tile by measuring the distance from the top of the wall to the edge of the last whole tile. Measure each end of the edge tile because the ceiling may be uneven. Mark both ends; with the straight edge, draw a line from one mark to the other, making a cutting edge. Cut the tile along the cutting edge.

9. Try to fit the cut tile into place. If it fits, apply adhesive to the back and press the tile onto the ceiling.

10. Progress around the ceiling, cutting and placing edge tiles, until the ceiling is completely tiled.

11. Caulk all the seams in the finished ceiling. When the caulk is dry, replace the fixtures and vent covers.

Tags: edge tile, tiles around, around ceiling, chalked lines, chalked lines meet, cutting edge, cutting edge tile