Friday, April 15, 2011

Fix Camper Ceiling Vent

Camper ceiling vents, appliance covers or anything else projecting from a camper roof are at risk from age, the effects of nature or a wayward ball. Even UV rays can weaken the plastic over time, and holes may appear. Sometimes you may forget to close the vent before driving and the cover breaks off. Not to worry. Vent covers can be fixed at home without a repair person.


1. Place the ladder alongside the camper. Use caution when climbing to the roof.

2. Using pliers, remove the pins from the hinges of the vent cover.

3. Remove the vent cover and hinges with a screwdriver.

4. Place the new vent cover on the roof and attach with hinges using a screwdriver.

5. Use a caulking gun to seal the area around the vent cover to prevent leakage.

6. Replace the pins on the hinges.

Tags: vent cover