Friday, March 6, 2009

Convert Recessed Cans To Led

LED lighting consumes significantly less electricity than conventional light bulbs. The LED lights also emit far less heat because LED lights do not create light with a filament, important when air conditioning a home. Builders place recessed cans in ceilings, typically in kitchens. This style of lighting creates a clean look in a ceiling . The light bulbs used in cans may be circular with a wide glass base that broadcasts light toward the floor. Manufacturers make LED bulbs in shapes compatible with canned lights.


1. Place a soft towel or cloth on the counter to keep the LED bulbs from rolling off the counter. Remove the LED bulbs from the packaging and recycle, if possible.

2. Open the stepladder and place it adjacent to the recessed can. If you put the ladder directly under the light fixture, you may have to stretch your neck and arms straight up, which is neither safe nor comfortable. Never use the top step or top cap when using a stepladder.

3. Remove the existing light bulb. Ask your helper to hand you the LED replacement. Screw it into the socket. Continue until you have replaced all the bulbs.

Using a Light Bulb Changer

4. Screw the light bulb changer into a threaded pole.

5. Push the changer over the light bulb you need to remove and turn the handle counterclockwise to remove the bulb. When the bulb is loose, bring down the changer and take the bulb out.

6. Place the LED bulb in the changer and thread it into the socket by turning the pole clockwise.

Tags: bulb changer, bulbs from, into socket, light bulb, light bulbs